Archive for August 2011

If I Had A Million Dollars

“What would you do if you had a million dollars?”

It’s a great question for anyone to ask themselves – because if you apply the tools and principles taught in I Was Broke. Now I’m Not., you will have a million dollars one day!

Today, I would love for you to share with us all: “What YOU would do if you had a million dollars.” – SERIOUSLY – I want to hear from you!

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Some Of My Dumbest Financial Moves

I thought I would share a few of the dumbest financial moves I have ever made.  As I wrote these, I experienced some feelings of frustration, regret, pain, a distress that I felt when I was totally broke.

  • Financing a new car with 105-percent financing (I even financed the sales tax)
  • Financing a used truck with 100-percent financing
  • Financing another used truck with 100-percent financing
  • Operating our finances without a written plan (budget)
  • Preparing a budget, but failing to follow it
  • Buying a “fixer-upper” home and seriously underestimating the costs – time and money
  • Buying the stock of a company that was free-falling (Conseco) – it went on to be zero value
  • Paying full price for a new home – without negotiating anything down
  • Loading up credit cards and paying the minimum balance for several years
  • Spending every dime I made without saving anything (no margin = guaranteed financial failure)

Care to share some of yours?

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