
SERIES: Investments Your Stock Broker Never Told You About – 3

In this series, I’m sharing “other” ways to invest beyond standard 401(k), 403(b), 457, TSP, Traditional or Roth IRA, mutual fund, stock, or bond investments.

Part Three  Invest In A Business

Starting a small business can provide a financial return as well as the incredibly satisfying work of fulfilling a dream.  A business can allow you to produce an income that is not entirely dependent upon you.  The McDonald’s franchise owner does not have to do all of the work, but they are able to enjoy the profits that result from the efforts of dozens of employees.  This can lead to substantial returns on investment that are far better than the average return of any mutual fund!

Consider the following scenario.  Suppose one puts up $25,000 for a franchise that produces $50,000 of profit each year.  That is a 200-percent return on investment – only it happens year-after-year-after-year …  the Lord willing!  Yes, the work would be demanding and time-consuming and energy-draining, but the return on investment is great and less dependent upon the world market.

If it isn’t your dream to run a small business, consider investing in a small business.  There are great leaders with terrific ideas that just need some additional funding in order to launch to the stratosphere.

Questions To Ask Yourself:

  • Do I have a business idea that I am fired up about and believe in?
  • Has a proven business leader/entrepreneur looked at my business idea and told me it looks great?
  • Am I willing to put my own money into this deal?

Read the entire series (available after 9/30/2011)

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SERIES: Investments Your Stock Broker Never Told You About – 2

In this series, I’m sharing “other” ways to invest beyond standard 401(k), 403(b), 457, TSP, Traditional or Roth IRA, mutual fund, stock, or bond investments.

Part Two  Invest In Yourself

The greatest investment one can make is him/herself.  Investments into education and skills training can pay off far better by providing increased earnings potential.   I was able to pursue my dream of helping others accomplish far more than they ever thought possible with their personal finances.  One of the key first steps was to make the investment of time, energy, and money to write and publish I Was Broke. Now I’m Not.  It literally cost me hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars to accomplish this dream, but the investment has paid off!

As a result of taking this “risk”, I have been able to literally teach over 100,000 people and hear thousands of stories of financial freedom being achieved across the globe.  This business has enabled me to further expand my dream to the point that I have been able to acquire another company and serve even more people across the world.

Questions To Ask Yourself

  • Do I have a dream that I’ve always wanted to pursue?
  • What can I do today that would make a difference tomorrow?
  • Do I see a need where I can do something that addresses it?
  • Where can I personally add value to other people?

Read the entire series (available after 9/30/2011)

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SERIES: Investments Your Stock Broker Never Told You About – 1

Welcome to the latest series at the wildly popular – “Investments Your Stock Broker Never Told You About”!

In this series, I will share some “other” ways to invest beyond standard 401(k), 403(b), 457, TSP, Traditional or Roth IRA, mutual fund, stock, or bond investments.

Part One  Why I’m Writing This Series

Until four years ago, the vast majority of my investments were in company stocks, bonds, and mutual funds (which contained company stocks and bonds).  I began investing the day after I graduated from Purdue University.  My employer had a 401(k) available where they matched my investments 100-percent up to 8-percent of my pay.  The match was in company stock, but the money that I personally invested via payroll deduction could be invested into a variety of mutual funds.  These investments grew rapidly.

Then the recession of the late 90’s happened.

Then September 11th happened.

Then 2008 happened.

I personally experienced what many others experienced – my stock market investments all went down in value.  The value of these investments fell even as many of the companies continued to perform extremely well.

“Financial experts” had always advised me to diversify my investments.  The “diversification” options they offered were – surprise, surprise – other stock, bond, and mutual fund investments.  I observed first-hand the axiom that “a rising tide will lift all ships and a lowering tide will lower all ships.”  Therefore, in 2008 I resolved to diversify my investments so that only 50-percent of my portfolio would be in the stock market.  In the process, I discovered incredible investment options that I would never have learned from a stock broker – probably because there were no broker commissions available.

As we embark on this series together, perhaps you would like to see my current investment portfolio HERE.

Read the entire series (available after 9/30/2011)

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SERIES: Proverbs 14:4 – Put Your Oxen To Work – Part 4

Welcome to the latest series on – “Proverbs 14:4 – Put Your Oxen To Work”

Proverbs 14:4 – Where there are no oxen, the manger is empty, but from the strength of an ox comes an abundant harvest.

Part 4  Put your oxen to work!

This is the fun part!  As you put your oxen to work and provide adequate nourishment and attention, they will begin to work for you in ways you never thought possible.  Your 401(k) will grow without the need for any energy expenditure from you.  The rental house will produce income and increase in value even when you are on vacation.  The book that you’ve been wanting to write will be purchased by people from across the globe – even while you sleep.  The website will sell products without your direct involvement.  The team of people at your business will work to serve customers whether you are there or not.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking your oxen will work perfectly with zero involvement from you.  The last I checked, oxen will still wander off if you don’t provide them some direction and leadership.  Be sure to establish a system that allows you to always know the numbers and enables you to measure the health of your herd.

As your oxen work for you, they will truly provide an abundant harvest which will allow you to bless your family and those in need in ways you never thought possible.

TRUTH:  Oxen acquisition can allow you to enjoy an abundant harvest.

ACTION:  Will you share with me one thing that most connected with you during this series?

Read the entire series (available after 9/15/2011)

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SERIES: Proverbs 14:4 – Put Your Oxen To Work – Part 3

Welcome to the latest series on – “Proverbs 14:4 – Put Your Oxen To Work”

Proverbs 14:4 – Where there are no oxen, the manger is empty, but from the strength of an ox comes an abundant harvest.

Part 3  Acquire oxen.

The manger is empty when there are no oxen.  The manger is designed to hold food.  When faced with the decision of “empty manger/no food” versus “abundant harvest”, I am going to choose the abundant harvest every single time.  It is my belief that this would be your choice also.

Obviously, the critical step toward an abundant harvest is to have oxen.  These oxen, however, can be expensive.  Acquiring a McDonald’s franchise can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.  Starting a business can also cost an enormous amount of money.  So where does one start out?  We must start out just like everyone else – start where you are with what you have.

I challenge you to write down your plans, hopes, and dreams on paper.  Seriously, take five minutes to ponder your goals and write them down.  Now, next to each goal, write down how much each goal will cost.  This process will help you understand the necessity of acquiring an ox or two.

My oxen acquisition started by fully funding my 401(k).  I contributed the maximum amount allowed by law.  Notice that I did not contribute just enough to gain the company match.  This is a great start, but to truly get the 401(k) ox to work for me, I needed to maximize my contributions.  If you simply can’t contribute the maximum, start with a little and increase it on a consistent basis so that you will be maximizing it in just a few years.  These investments seemed so little at the start that it seemed pointless.  Just 15 years later, however, the 401(k) ox is healthy and doing a LOT of heavy lifting for me!  It will do the same for you.

Nine years ago, I was living paycheck-to-paycheck.  By applying myself little by little every single day, God has saw fit to bless me.  I am convinced beyond a shadow of doubt that He can do the same for you.

TRUTH:  Oxen acquisition can allow you to enjoy an abundant harvest.

We’ll talk more about putting the oxen to work in Part Four.

Read the entire series (available after 9/15/2011)

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