
The Definition of Investing

I recently conducted a survey and received hundreds and hundreds of responses. One of the questions I asked was:

Which financial topic do you struggle with most? 

One of the top responses was Investing.

With phrases like mutual funds, ETFs, stocks, bonds, brokers, margin accounts, rate of return, yield rate, P/E, market capitalization, and current ratio, it can literally feel as if investing is another language!

I know the feeling as I’ve been there! Because of the results of this survey, I am tasking the I Was Broke. Now I’m Not. team to aggressively address this issue. We are hard at work developing resources that are going to help take people from clueless to financially confident and competent investor! We are also focusing on the topic of investing for the whole month of October!

First, let’s start by presenting a working definition of “investing.”

Investing  Using your money and possessions to create more money and possessions.

The goal for any investment is to gain more in return. There are countless ways to do this and we’ll dive more into this over the month.

How to Make a Difference – Part 5

I am passionate about helping others accomplish far more than they ever thought possible with their personal finances.

I’ve committed my life to traveling and sharing this passion but I need your help to reach others with the simple message that:

  • God owns it all
  • We are managers

So with this series, I am going to challenge you to teach one person this simple message during the next month.

PART ONE  Who are you going to teach this to?

PART TWO  What is the best setting for teaching?

PART THREE  Prepare for your meeting

PART FOUR  Set up the meeting

PART FIVE  Have the meeting

Remember, authenticity speaks volumes.  Teach them the tools you have actually used.  Offer to help them put together their first budget.  Point them to the free tools on our website (HERE).  Help them calculate their debt freedom date.

Encourage them!  Pray with them!  Offer to meet with them again.  Follow up with them.

I can not wait to hear how your teaching goes!

How to Make a Difference – Part 4

I am passionate about helping others accomplish far more than they ever thought possible with their personal finances.

I’ve committed my life to traveling and sharing this passion but I need your help to reach others with the simple message that:

  • God owns it all
  • We are managers

So with this series, I am going to challenge you to teach one person this simple message during the next month.

PART ONE  Who are you going to teach this to?

PART TWO  What is the best setting for teaching?

PART THREE  Prepare for your meeting

PART FOUR  Set up the meeting

Of course, this conversation could happen spontaneously which would be terrific.  But if it does not, take the time to set up the meeting.  In Part 2, you thought about the best setting for a meeting to occur.

It is important that you are clear about what you want to discuss.  It is also extremely important that you let them know that you are not wanting to tell them about all of the bad decisions they are/have been making when it comes to money.

The invitation needs to be born of your own authentic desire to help others learn these principles that have had such an impact on your own finances.

Here are some ways to phrase it …

  • “I have had my finances rocked lately – in a good way!  I would love the opportunity to show you what I been able to do to take my finances to the next level.  I am not going to sell you anything.  I am just so excited about what has happened!”
  • “Remember how broke I was?  Well, I am getting un-broke and I can’t believe how straight-forward and easy it really is.  I would love to have you over for dinner to show you the free tools I am using.”

How awesome is it when you can help someone and there is no sales-pitch at the end of it?  Just a genuine desire to help them learn a tool/tip or two that can help them too!

How to Make a Difference – Part 3

I am passionate about helping others accomplish far more than they ever thought possible with their personal finances.

I’ve committed my life to traveling and sharing this passion but I need your help to reach others with the simple message that:

  • God owns it all
  • We are managers

So with this series, I am going to challenge you to teach one person this simple message during the next month.

PART ONE  Who are you going to teach this to?

PART TWO  What is the best setting for teaching?

PART THREE  Prepare for your meeting 

First, I want you to know that if you are taking this challenge, I have an assumption that you are applying these tools/principles. You can not fake authenticity. The best teachers I ever learned from are the ones who are actively thinking about and applying the knowledge they have.

Since you are indeed applying these principles and tools, then it is important that you provide some transparency to the individual you are teaching. Of course, it is not necessary for you to reveal all of your personal financial picture. Where it makes sense, show them a copy of your budget, debt freedom date calculation, before/after insurance quotes, and retirement calculations.

Have samples of these readily available before the meeting so that you will have them available should the opportunity present itself.

Maybe it would be worthwhile to take a few moments to brainstorm some key financial decisions you have made that have impacted your life – both good and bad.


How to Make A Difference – Part 2

I am passionate about helping others accomplish far more than they ever thought possible with their personal finances.

I’ve committed my life to traveling and sharing this passion but I need your help to reach others with the simple message that:

  • God owns it all
  • We are managers

So with this series, I am going to challenge you to teach one person this simple message during the next month.

PART ONE  Who are you going to teach this to?

PART TWO  What is the best setting for teaching?

In part 1, you chose one person that you were going to teach these financial principles to.  Now, it is important to determine the best setting for teaching to ensure that they will be receptive to the information you are sharing.

If you attempt to teach this to your son while he is playing in a high school basketball game, the chances are pretty good that he will foul you.

Here are some ideas: coffee house, your house, their house, break room, church, or library.

Now I am a huge fan of moving to action points.  I am not a big fan of “talk-talk-talk”.  So I like to meet in places that have wireless internet so I can pull up the FREE TOOLS on our website and walk them the tools that can help them.

The key here is that you know this person.  Choose a spot that will be conducive to their learning style and will enable you to discuss this stuff distraction-free.

You have chosen the person and a spot you want to meet.  Next up, we will talk about preparing for the meeting.