Put Your Oxen to Work – Part 4

Proverbs 14:4 – Where there are no oxen, the manger is empty, but from the strength of an ox comes an abundant harvest.

PART FOUR – Put your oxen to work!

This is the fun part!  As you put your oxen to work and provide adequate nourishment and attention, they will begin to work for you in ways you never thought possible.  Your 401(k) will grow without the need for any energy expenditure from you.  The rental house will produce income and increase in value even when you are on vacation.  The book that you’ve been wanting to write will be purchased by people from across the globe – even while you sleep.  The website will sell products without your direct involvement.  The team of people at your business will work to serve customers whether you are there or not.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking your oxen will work perfectly with zero involvement from you.  The last I checked, oxen will still wander off if you don’t provide them some direction and leadership.  Be sure to establish a system that allows you to always know the numbers and enables you to measure the health of your herd.

As your oxen work for you, they will truly provide an abundant harvest which will allow you to bless your family and those in need in ways you never thought possible.

TRUTH: Oxen acquisition can allow you to enjoy an abundant harvest.

ACTION:  Will you share with me one way you’re putting your oxen to work?

1 Comment

  1. Kevin on October 17, 2015 at 9:43 am

    wow, just opened my 401K statement. My oxen are sick! Tough hit in the 3rd quarter. Do I leave the oxen in the 401K in this market?

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