4 Benefits of Having Financial Margin – Part 3

Margin is an alternative way to communicate “space.” Remember when the English teacher ruined your life by announcing that you must hand write a two page composition? She would say, “Be sure to avoid writing in the “margins.” In other words, it was important to maintain appropriate spacing. The same is true for your finances. Financial margin creates space in your life. During this series, I’ll be focusing on the real and emotional effects of living WITH and WITHOUT financial margin. Ready?



Individuals who are against the wall financially for extended periods of time can many times hurt people in ways that they never would do if they had financial margin. I’ve seen business owners (with no margin) who completely lose their minds on a customer who owed them $1,000 even though they are late on $10,000 of bills to their own suppliers. They are agitated, angry, and threatening. But a third party could easily say that the business owner is completely out of line. What is causing this issue? No financial margin!

I’ve seen countless relationships injured or destroyed because of no financial margin – families, friendships, business relationships, working relationships. My bet is that you’ve seen it too or maybe you’ve experienced it! It is incredibly hurtful and can cause enormous stress and heartache.

Here’s a question to ask yourself:

What would these situations look like if each person had financial margin?

Wouldn’t there be a lot less borrowing? Wouldn’t there be less heartache, pain, and agony?

Make the greatest investment into your peace and state of mind – establish financial margin!

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