I am passionate about helping …
My life’s passion statement is to help people accomplish far more than they ever thought was possible. One key way that I am seeking to accomplish this is by teaching people about personal financial management. I have realized that if I can help people with their financial situation, then they will be better able to focus on achieving their life’s passion.
Example 1: I have this friend, Perry Noble, who is passionate about leading people to Jesus Christ. He is passionate about helping people to intensely focus on doing more than just sit on a church pew – to get up and DO SOMETHING! If he were worried about where the money for the next house payment was going to come from, would he be as effective at accomplishing his life’s passion?
Example 2: I have this other friend, Ken Wilson, who is passionate about technology, graphic design, and motion graphics. He is passionate about helping people learn about technology and utlizing it in a creative, mind-stimulating way. If he were constantly worried about the creditors calling, do you think he would be at his creative best?
Example 3: I have myself. I am passionate about helping others accomplish more than they ever thought was possible. If I were worried every single day about how I would pay the doctor bills, I believe that I would not be as effective at accomplishing my life’s passion!
What is your life’s passion? Is your financial situation stopping you from focusing 100% on it? What do you need help with most?
My passion is to work with youth and teens and helping them to find Christ as well as build a foundation that they can grow over the rest of their life. I have a great business idea in order to put this passion into action, but my personal finances are getting in the way getting that started.
I need to stop living paycheck to paycheck first and foremost.
What is your life’s passion? Is your financial situation stopping you from focusing 100% on it? What do you need help with most?
My life’s passion is giving to others in every capacity. I love helping, giving, listening, and making people feel better. If I am worried about money all the time I will never be able to focus or give back to others. I over spend. Often. I am a single mother with no financial help. I am about to lose my job and have debt up to my ears. It very stressful and I know its my own doing. When my husband and I were divorced, I lost a whole salary and made up for it on a credit card. Although I am much better about over spending these days, I still have the debt to show for my mistakes.
I am passionate about teaching young children. I love to see their faces light up when I read to them or teach them something new. I need to go back to college and get my teaching license. I cannot pay for it because I am on Disability. I need to get a part time job. Then maybe I will be able to afford college.
I find that passion can be subdued when life necessity works against it. My life passion is to be able to use my God given experiences and talent to assist with my church’s growth in its community. I believe where I can contribute the most is in its online presence, however, when at work or at home with bills pilling up, I find it hard to experience, and therefore reap the blessings, that I believe that God has for me in my life.
You can never learn enough, and this post just taught me something new. Thanks for the info.
I am passionate about missions and healing. I will one day become a nurse, but it won’t be for financialy stability. It will be for the calling Jesus Christ placed on my life when I was a child. I want my children to learn the liberty I am learning to live in every time I place my finances in Jesus’ hands. I want them to see where every cent goes and why. And what is important and what is not. One day they too will have their own passions, and I hope that I can teach them now to keep a financial margin so that they can achieve their passions much earler than I did.
I want to be the man with the pitcher in his hand, to be able to help meet the need that others may have. I want to help others to learn the importance of WORDS that come out of their mouths and also to help others pray for people, do the Holy Ghost Adjustments that The Happy Hunters taught and practiced.
My Passion is to teach others the importance of eating properly to have the health, energy, to weigh the set point that God gives you to fulfill your calling.
Also, my passion is to operate in the “Gifts of Healing,” to see people healed instantly.
Just start this class & I am excited about the outcome. I had started some stuff on my own and got 2 of my big bills paid off & now my car will be paid off this month. Giving all Honor & Glory to GOD for what he is about to do in my Life….
Thank You LORD, for on purpose living…
Joe keep up the good work..looking forward to the
next 5 session….
Penney Kennerly
Orangeburg, South Carolina
I have been working for a children’s home in Orangeburg, South Carolina for 8yrs and love this work of helping to heal hurting children and to bring them to GOD. Before that I was in Anchorage, Alaska in another children’s home for 11yrs. I believe, no actuall I know this is my passion/calling.
Looking forward to my next 5 session & excited of what GOD is about to do through my life for these youth,,,
Penney Kennerly
This is a grand eye opener. Being smart is not what is in your head, but knowing where to find it & using the resources.
I just started this class in my church. I can not wait what the end result will be. If what is said to be right, which I believe, it will open a huge potential in my personal & my family life’s future for the kingdom of God. I’m excited to see my dreams to come true what God wants me to do in my life time.
I have always had a passion for working with youth. My lifelong dream has been to open a home for teen unwed mother’s. Unfortunately this dream has been devastated by the lack of finacial support. I believe God’s desire for my life is to accomplish this dream in this lifetime. I am confident that God is in the process of realigning my financial future for this dream to be realized in the very near future. Thank you Joe for yielding to God’s will for your life.
I am passionate about helping elderly people. When i was growing up in cherry hill they use to feed the elderly at my community center i use to volunteer there during the summer. We would escort them from buses to the center then get their meals for them. They would grab my hand and tell me how much they appreciate my help it would make me feel so good. Now as i get older i am being to see what their appreciation meant and now i would really enjoy doing the same thing that i did as a youngster
I am passionate about living my life for God and to give Him the glory. He is the reason that I am here. I love my children and desire the best for them. I want to let others know what life changing power God has and to help them build a relationship to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Just recently I’ve discovered that God has given me the ability to help the visually impaired. It seems strange to find your calling late in life. At 68 I find myself desiring to assist the blind with everyday tasks to get them as independent as possible. My dear wife continues to inspire me with her God given talents. We are in this together and I’m loving it.
I am passionate about…. being financialy capable to increase my giving expedencialy to church, missions, and others.
Beable to go on short term missions trips without the snares of debt holding me back.
I am passionate about telling others about Jesus and what He’s done for me. God has blessed me with a singing voice (this is the way i can share His Love for us) I am not a very good spokes person. So my goal is to be able to start weekend ministry eventually maybe full time ministry.
I am excited to participate in an endeavor to do at home what I have clients do in their businesses all the time. It’s a case of the cobbler’s kids having no shoes. How can I instruct others to accomplish a task I’m not accomplishing? I believe God wants me to be able to tithe and give back to Him without worrying if I’ll have enough money left to pay the bills. He wants His children to live life abundantly, which doesn’t mean wealthy, but does mean without worry.
my passion is to travel to share the gospel to others but in order to do that i have to have my finances in order. i cant keep living the way i am and be living the abundant life God wants me to have and the life He has planned for me.
I am passionate about helping others believe in God and showing
them that they have a reason to have hope in this life and to expect good things to happen to them and not just the bad. My
maine goal is to get them to realize that God loves the, but I cannot fully do that until I am debt free.
I am passionate about helping others succeed. I have been blessed in many ways, but I didnt just get where I am by chance. I also have a long ways to go. I believe by showing others how the true way I have been blessed (through God) that I wont only be satisfying myself by knowing I helped someone; but it will also help me open my eyes to what God has planned for my life.
I am passionate about getting debt free so I can help others, volunteer more, spend more free time with loved ones and show people in my life that thru Christ all can be accomplished.
I am passionate about my family. We have 4 boys, whom my goal in life is to raise to be great men someday who serve God…My husband and I are always trying to instill important values in their lives. It is a heavy load to carry and having financial burdens in the back of my head all the time make it even harder. I find myself frustrated alot and know that getting rid of those financial struggles will help me more to focus on them.
Monica- Thank you for taking the time to comment! It is awesome to hear that you and your husband are passionate about raising your 4 sons to be men of God. Pouring into the next generation is an incredible investment- with eternal rewards! But it sounds to me that the stress of shouldering the financial burden of your household alone has you overwhelmed. I truly know that when married couples work together on their finances that far more can be accomplished. HERE is a blog post from the archives that I think you may find helpful.
I first had a hard time figuring this out. What AM I passionate about? But after some thinking, I discovered that I am passionate about being able to GIVE to individuals, people, communities.
I would like to buy a place for to help kids that have no where else to go.
What is your life’s passion? Is your financial situation stopping you from focusing 100% on it? What do you need help with most?
My life’s passion is to show God’s love for us through my life’s journey.
My financial situation definitely is stopping me from focusing on God’s promises and becoming more like Him.
I need help with allocating my money to make it work the best for my family and me.
I would like to leave this job I have and be able to work part time and then volunteer for the Church and other places I feel called to.
My passion is weight lifting and my job. It’s something I love doing.
I am passionate on breaking the cycle of living paycheck to paycheck. I do not want my children growing up broke, arguing, and failed marriages because of money issues.
I am passionate about researching my family tree. I feel there is important information before my grandmother that would explain a lot… heal emotional wounds and restore bounds within my extended family. I want to continue teaching young children of the urban city. I want to give them opportunities to grow and improve their situation.
Many years ago I wanted to work in Godly places. Help young girls with the mistakes that I have made. Just bring hope to anybody. I don’t know if this was selfish or not , but that gave me peace. Now, I am so deep in debts, after had everything when my dad was alive, that I really don’t know how to get out of it. I have always work with passion not really for a paycheck. Now with all this debts, I feel I let down my family and I am so lost with what I want to do with my life. I am angry, depressed. I just can’t stop thinking about it.
I have been deeply touched as I read these comments of what others had to say! We are all here for a purpose and being financially FREE makes all the difference in the world if we will or will not fulfill that purpose. I thank everyone for sharing and for you, Joe doing what God has put on your heart to do. It’s a domino effect just like getting out of debt. PASSION BEGETS PASSION!
I am passionate about my family and bringing all to God’s arms. Helping others and being able to pay my bills on time.
I’m looking for someone who is passionate enough to help me. I’m about to be homeless and been out of work for a year. Don’t know if the doctors are going to release me to go to work. I don’t know which way to turn. It’s hard trying to get someone to take you places because after my car was totalled I have no transportation. Trying to walk to the bus stop is a problem due to my health.
I’m a student and right now I am desperately in need of a person who will help with my expenses. its been hard to even acquire some resources to effective learning