SERIES: Top 5 Things People Lack In Their Financial Plan

Over the past two and a half years, this crusade has been able to reach tens of thousands of people.  I was recently reflecting on the top things that I see most commonly lacking in folks’ financial plans.  So here are the top five things I see lacking..

Part One A monthly written spending plan

Anyone who has been through the Financial Learning Experience saw this one coming!  It really is unbelievable how many people walk through life without a financial plan.  We will plan like crazy for our proms, weddings, child’s birthday party, and a vacation, but we do not take the time to plan the one thing that funds all of those!

If you are operating your life without a written spending plan, I know one thing about you.  You could substantially improve your financial management simply by preparing a written spending plan every month.

There are a ton of FREE budget tools located on the Tools page (HERE).  Of course, you could accomplish the same thing with a pencil, paper, and calculator.  If you do not have Microsoft Excel, set up a Google Docs account, save the free file to your desktop, and then upload it to Google Docs.

There is no excuse for NOT having a written spending plan every single month.  None.

Read the entire series

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