SERIES: Top 5 Ways To Improve ROI – Part 1

Welcome to the latest series on this wildly popular website – – “Top 5 Ways To Improve ROI”

ROI: Return On Investment

Everyone wants to receive a positive return on their investment.  We are delaying the use of our money so that we can have more money in the future – at least that is the goal.  However, many people are seeing negative ROI over the past several years.  This is why I am writing this series – to help each of you make your money earn more.  These are the top five rules I use to maximize my money, and it has worked out well for me.

Part 1  Don’t invest for the short-term.

I am just not smart enough to make sense of every single nuance of the entire world.  I do not know how a grasshopper invasion in Antarctica impacts oil production in Siberia, yet we have all seen that sometimes seemingly unrelated items have a major impact on financial performance.  For this reason, I spend a great deal of time thinking about which investments to choose before I acquire them, and then I hold them for the long term.  Day-trading (or anything like it) has a feeling very comparable to gambling in Vegas, and it usually winds up with the same result.

What are YOUR experiences with investing?  Have you ever “day-traded”?  Tell me your wins AND your losses!

Read the entire series (available after 12/19/2011)

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1 Comment

  1. RobS on December 12, 2011 at 4:31 pm

    Good point Joe. Long-term and steady and disciplined style is best for those big things (retirement, education, etc). I think individuals ruin potentially good ROI because of greed and fear all the time. Lots of data hints to that being true.

    I did some short-term trading (not investing) for a while and did make a good gain selling call options on a home builder stock when the market was crashing.

    I likewise got taken “out back and beat senseless” selling Goldman Sachs put contracts the very day the Securities & Exchange Commission announced investment into GS on April 16, 2010 — stock traded between 186 and 155 that day; amazing volatility caused me major headache and cost me quite a few pretty pennies.

    To clarify, I have since stopped this type of trading and it was no more than 5-10% of all my investable assets. Also, I was debt free (less the house) at the time.

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