Successfully Manage Money with a Non-Participating Spouse eBook

I encounter so many people who struggle with their finances because they have a spouse that doesn’t want to participate.  They do not like to talk about money and refuse to believe that they need a budget. Financial matters can become really tricky when you feel like you cannot get on the same page as your spouse.  It can almost seem impossible.

I am here to tell you, fear not!  I have gotten so many questions regarding the subject of a non-participating spouse so I have compiled my thoughts into an eBook.  In this quick and easy read, there are explanations for why your spouse is reluctant to participate when it comes to money and some things that you can do to combat this without actually being combative.  While your spouse may never be as enthusiastic as you on the topic of finances, it is possible to bring it to their attention and find a way to work together to accomplish your plans, hopes and dreams.

You can get access to Successfully Manage Money With Non-Participating Spouse HERE for the low price of $2.99.  

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